Sunday 30 September 2012

A Good Thing About London

On Thursday we caught the train from country to city.

So exciting! We were off to see Tamsin Grieg in Jumpy at the Duke of Yorks Theatre.

The ever wonderful Tamsin plays Hilary, a woman going through a crisis,
‘You’re having some kind of crisis.’
‘It’s called being 50. You must be having it too.’

She does get to kiss the gorgeous 20-something Cam (Ben Lloyd-Hughes)....

...the arty Roland (Richard Lintern)...
 and poor husband Mark (Ewan Stewart).

However, the stars of the show were the women, especially her daughter Till (Bel Powley)
and the sexy and hilarious Frances (Doon Mackichan).

The only problem - the long time between leaving the end of the show and finally arriving home in the country....
...roll on the move to London.

Finally Autumn

All week we have been hearing the ancient clanking noise of farm machine in the background.

Walking the dog this week it became evident what had happened; the farmers have been cutting down the long grasses and leaving them dry in the autumnal sun.

Two days later and the hay has been collected, leaving the fields with the scalped air of a school boy in September.

From this...

However, in the beech woods the predominant colour is still green; a delightful scene when the sun filters through the trees.